Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
ADC-VX Management
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
To replace an existing vADC with the configuration files of a physical, standalone ADC
1. Access the Active Switch Configuration Restoration menu.
2. When prompted, configure the following parameters:
If the selected vADC 1 already exists, the following message displays:
3. Enter y to replace the settings of the existing vADC.
4. When prompted, configure the following parameters:
Backing Up the Active vADC Configuration
The vADC Administrator can back up the vADC Administrator level configuration of an existing vADC
to a specified destination on the file server.
The Global Administrator can back up both the Global and vADC Administrator level configurations of
one or all existing vADCs to a destination on the file server.
This section includes the following topics:
Backing Up the vADC Administrator Level Configuration, page 434
Backing Up the Complete System, page 434
Backing Up vADC Configuration Files from an Existing vADC, page 434
Backing Up the Entire Administrator Environment, page 435
>> /cfg/gtcfg
Select import option [all/vadc/padc]: padc
Enter hostname or IP address of FTP/TFTP/SCP server:
Enter name of file on FTP/TFTP/SCP server:
Enter username for FTP/SCP server or hit return for TFTP server:
Enter password for username on FTP/SCP server:
Enter "scp" or hit return for FTP server:
Include private keys? [y/n]: y
Enter passphrase:
Reconfirm passphrase:
Enter vADC number: [1-28]: 1
vADC 1 is active do you wish to replace its current settings? [y/n] y
Enter hostname or IP address of FTP/TFTP/SCP server:
Enter name of file on FTP/TFTP/SCP server:
Enter username for FTP/SCP server or hit return for TFTP server: