Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Server Load Balancing
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
The following is an example network topology:
Figure 29: Example Network for Client/Server Port Configuration
Alteon load balances traffic to a Web server pool and to a Domain Name System (DNS) server pool.
The port connected to the Web server pool (port 11) is instructed to perform both server and client
Server Load Balancing Configuration Basics
This section describes the steps for configuring an SLB Web hosting solution. In this procedure,
many of the SLB options are left to their default values. For more options, see
. Before you start configuring, you must be connected to the CLI as the
For details about any of the menu commands described in this example, refer to the Alteon
Application Switch Operating System Command Reference.
1. Assign an IP address to each of the real servers in the server pool.
The real servers in any given real server group must have an IP route to Alteon that performs
the SLB functions. This IP routing is most easily done by placing Alteons and servers on the
same IP subnet, although advanced routing techniques can be used as long as they do not
violate the topology rules outlined in
Network Topology Requirements, page 169
2. Define an IP interface on Alteon.
Alteon must have an IP route to all of the real servers that receive switching services. For SLB,
Alteon uses this path to determine the level of TCP/IP reach of the real servers.
To configure an IP interface for this example, enter these commands from the CLI: