Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Border Gateway Protocol
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
A route map lets you match attributes, such as metric, network address, and the AS number. It also
lets you overwrite the local preference metric and to append the AS number in the AS route. For
more information, see
BGP Failover Configuration, page 131
Alteon lets you configure up to 32 route maps. Each route map can have up to eight access lists.
Each access list consists of a network filter. A network filter defines an IP address and subnet mask
of the network that you want to include in the filter.
Figure 14 - Relationship Between Route Maps,
Access Lists, and Network Filters, page 127
illustrates the relationship between route maps, access
lists and network filters.
Figure 14: Relationship Between Route Maps, Access Lists, and Network Filters
Incoming and Outgoing Route Maps
You can have two types of route maps: incoming and outgoing. A BGP peer router can be configured
to support up to eight route maps in the incoming route map list and outgoing route map list.
If a route map is not configured in the incoming route map list, the router imports all BGP updates.
If a route map is configured in the incoming route map list, the router ignores all unmatched
incoming updates.
Route maps in an outgoing route map list behave similar to route maps in an incoming route map
list. If a route map is not configured in the outgoing route map list, all routes are advertised or
permitted. If a route map is configured in the outgoing route map list, matched routes are
advertised and unmatched routes are ignored.