Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Server Load Balancing
The IP interface and the real servers must belong to the same VLAN, if they are in the
same subnet. This example assumes that all ports and IP interfaces use default VLAN 1,
requiring no special VLAN configuration for the ports or IP interface.
3. Define each real server. For each real server, you must assign a real server number, specify its
actual IP address, and enable the real server.
4. Define a real server group and add the three real servers to the service group.
5. Define a virtual server. All client requests are addressed to a virtual server IP address on a
virtual server defined on Alteon. Clients acquire the virtual server IP address through normal
DNS resolution. In this example, HTTP is configured as the only service running on this virtual
server, and this service is associated with the real server group.
This configuration is not limited to the HTTP Web service. Other TCP/IP services can be
configured in a similar fashion. For a list of other well-known services and ports, see Table 20. To
configure multiple services, see
Multiple Services per Real Server, page 177
>> # /cfg/l3/if 1
(Select IP Interface 1)
>> IP Interface 1# addr
(Assign IP address for the interface)
>> IP Interface 1# ena
(Enable IP Interface 1)
>> IP Interface 1# /cfg/slb/real 1
(Server A is Real Server 1)
>> Real server 1# rip
(Assign Server A IP address)
>> Real server 1# ena
(Enable Real Server 1)
>> Real server 1# /cfg/slb/real 2
(Server B is Real Server 2)
>> Real server 2# rip
(Assign Server B IP address)
>> Real server 2# ena
(Enable Real Server 2)
>> Real server 2# /cfg/slb/real 3
(Server C is Real Server 3)
>> Real server 3# rip
(Assign Server C IP address)
>> Real server 3# ena
(Enable Real Server 3)
>> Real server 3# /cfg/slb/group 1
(Select Real Server group 1)
>> Real server group 1# add 1
(Add Real Server 1 to group 1)
>> Real server group 1# add 2
(Add Real Server 2 to group 1)
>> Real server group 1# add 3
(Add Real Server 3 to group 1)
>> Real server group 1# /cfg/slb/virt 1
(Select Virtual Server 1)
>> Virtual server 1# vip
(Assign a virtual server IP address)
>> Virtual server 1# ena
(Enable the virtual server)
>> Virtual server 1#service http
(Select the HTTP service menu)
>> Virtual server 1 http Service# group 1
(Associate virtual port to real group)