Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
Exporting All Routes
Use the following command to redistribute all routes of a protocol:
metric sets the OSPF cost for the route
metric type (either 1 or 2) determines whether the route's cost includes or excludes external
costs of the route
If you want to remove a previous configuration to export all the routes of a protocol, use the
parameter none to the export command:
Using Route Maps to Export Selected Routes
Use route maps to specify which routes of the protocol that you want exported into OSPF.
Commands for Using Route Maps, page 149
lists the tasks that you can perform using route maps:
OSPF does not require you to set all the fields in the route map menu. The following procedure
includes the route maps and network filter parameter that must be set:
1. Enable the route map.
2. Assign the metric value in the AS-External LSA.
If a route map is added to a protocol for redistribution, and if the routes of that protocol match
any of the routes in the access lists, and if action is set to permit, then those routes are
redistributed into OSPF using the metric and metric type assigned for that route map. Metric
sets the priority for choosing this device for the default route.
3. Enable the access list.
4. Set the action to permit for the access list.
To redistribute routes matched by the route map, the action in the alist must be set to permit.
If the action is set to deny, the routes matched by the route map are not redistributed.
>> /cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /export <
> <
metric type
>> /cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /export none
Table 18: Commands for Using Route Maps
Adding a route map for a particular
/cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /add <route
map numbers>
Adding all 32 route maps
/cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /add all
Removing a route map for a
particular protocol
/cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /rem <route
map numbers>
Removing all 32 route maps for a
particular protocol
/cfg/l3/ospf/redist <protocol name> /rem all
>> /cfg/l3/rmap <route map number> /ena
>> /cfg/l3/rmap <route map number> /metric <metric value>
>> /cfg/l3/rmap <route map number> /alist <access list number> /ena
>> /cfg/l3/rmap <route map number> /alist <access list number> /action permit