Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Server Load Balancing
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
To associate a compression policy to a virtual service
1. Access the Virtual Server Service menu for the virtual service to which you want to associate a
compression policy. In the following example, Virtual Server 1 is associated with the HTTP
When indicating the virtual service, you can use either the virtual port number or a
name. In this example, instead of the HTTP, you can enter 80 for the standard HTTP port
2. Enter a new compression policy name, or one that already exists.
The compression policy name you entered is now associated with virtual service HTTP.
3. To configure the compression policy, see the section on the
in the Alteon Application Switch Operating System Command Reference.
Compression Policy
The compression policy defines the compression behavior required for the virtual service. A single
compression policy can be associated to multiple virtual services if they share the same compression
configuration. Compression parameters include:
Policy name
Compression algorithm
Compression level
Minimum file size to be compressed
Maximum file size to be compressed
Compression URL exceptions rule list
Compression browser exceptions rule list
Predefined browser exceptions rule list
Compression by real server
For details on configuring the compression policy parameters, see the section on the
menu in the Alteon Application Switch Operating System Command
Compression Exceptions Rule Lists
Associating exceptions rule lists to a compression policy enables you to skip compressing certain
types of traffic that either require too many resources or provide little benefit in compressing them.
A rule list is an ordered list of rules that specifies which URLs to compress or not compress. You can
create multiple rule lists and change the lists associated with a compression policy as needed.
Rule list logic is first-match, meaning once a rule within the list is matched, the remaining rules in
the list are not evaluated. You can duplicate an entire rule list using the Copy Rule-List option.
>> Main# /cfg/slb/virt 1/service 80/http/comppol
Current compression policy:
Enter new compression policy or none: mycompression