Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
ADC-VX Management
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
To switch from standalone to ADC-VX mode
1. Access the Active Switch Configuration Boot menu.
, and
select 2.
The system now boots up with the following settings:
The ADC-VX infrastructure boots with the pre-installed version (for example version and the vADCs are loaded based on the image IDs originally set for them.
The standalone configuration file is still available to the system but is not visible to the
system administrator.
This procedure prevents combining the configuration import and operational mode
Switching from ADC-VX to Standalone Mode
When you switch from ADC-VX to standalone mode, ADC-VX images and ADC-VX configuration files
are not deleted from their respective banks as a result of the switch.
This option imports the vADC Administrator level settings and the related network settings available
to the Global Administrator (VLANs and port association).
Always use the settings available to the vADC,
including the
management address,
management access mode, syslog service, and so on.
>> Standalone ADC - Main# boot
[Boot Options Menu]
virtual - Switch mode from Standalone to ADC-VX
dimage - Select default image
image - Select software image to use on next boot
conf - Select config block to use on next boot
gtimg - Download new software image via FTP/TFTP/SCP
reset - Reset switch [WARNING: Restarts Spanning Tree]
cur - Display current boot options
>> Standalone ADC - Boot Options# virtual
Boot options:
1.Factory defaults
2.Last known ADC-VX configuration
Select ADC-VX boot option (1-2):2
Boot with current ADC-VX infrastructure image? [y|n] y