Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
WAN Link Load Balancing
4. Enable Direct Access Mode (DAM). Typically, you have two or more virtual server IP addresses
representing the same real service. On the return path, DAM ensures that the real server IP
address is mapped to the correct virtual IP address.
For information about DAM, refer to
Step 4a (Outbound Traffic)—Configure the Internal Network Port
Configure the redirection filter and enable the filter for link load balancing. This is required to
translate (NAT) the client IP address to the proxy IP address.
1. Define the WAN link load balancing redirection filter.
2. Enable WAN link load balancing for the redirection filter.
3. Add the link load balancing filter 100 to the outbound client port.
4. If you are configuring link load balancing for outbound traffic only, then go to
. The remaining steps in this procedure are for load balancing
inbound traffic only.
Step 4b (Inbound Traffic)—Configure the Internal Network
Configure the virtual server IP addresses on Alteon as real server IP addresses. In this example, you
will configure two real server IP addresses for each of the two virtual server IP addresses. Then,
define a real server group and add the real servers to the group.
1. Configure real server and create a group.
The real server IP address must be the virtual server IP address of the SLB servers that are
2. Configure real server and create a group.
The real server IP address must be the virtual server IP address of the SLB servers that are
>> # /cfg/slb/adv/direct ena
>> # /cfg/slb/filt 100
.. Filter 100# ena
>> action redir
>> Filter 100# group
(Select the ISP group of real servers)
>> Filter 100# adv
>> Filter 100# /c/slb/filt 100/adv/redir/linklb ena
>> # /cfg/slb/port 1
(Select port 1)
>> SLB Port 1# add 100
(Add filter 100 to port 1)
>> SLB Port 1# filt ena
(Enable the filter)
>> # /cfg/slb/real 7/rip
(Define IP address for
>> Real server 7# ena
(Enable real server 3)
>> # /cfg/slb/group 3
(Define a group)
>> Real server Group 3# add 3
(Add real server 7)