IQ3 Street Logger Dash Installation Manual
Setting up the Logger Real Time Telemetry Parameters
This section will contain two lists. The list on the left-hand side of the telemetry section will include
all of the data channels currently being monitored by your data logger. The list on the right-hand
side of the telemetry sections includes all those channels that will be displayed during a real time
telemetry session.
To add a channel to the telemetry list, highlight the name of the channel in the left-hand list, and
click on the right arrow button to add the selected channel to the real-time channel list. To remove
a channel from the real-time channel list highlight the name of the channel in the right hand list and
click on the left arrow button. Remember that only channels in the right hand list will be displayed
during a real time telemetry session.
From the options list in the lower left-hand corner of the dialog box, select the Real Time Sample
Rate and select the desired real time sample rate. Note: the V-Net Sample rate of each module(s) to
be monitored should be equal to or greater than the real time sample rate. If they are not, then the
last data points will be repeated during the sample process.
Next, select the Real Time Communications Port option and type in the name of the serial
communications port on your PC you will be using to receive the real time data from the V-Net
Normally this is the same as the default Logger Com Port setting in the initial software installation.
Normally this is COM1.
After you have edited the options, use the Send Configuration button to sync the setup data to your
data logger. Next, select OK to exit the edit box. You will need to turn the power to your data logger
“Off”, and then back on to allow the changes to take effect. When you have completed the edit, save
the configuration file.
Entering the Datalink Real Time Telemetry Parameters
The final step to setting up the real time telemetry session is to set the DataLink II real time recording
parameters. These parameters are set by selecting the Recording Parameter menu item found in the
Telemetry main menu selection. The following dialog box will be displayed.