IQ3 Street Logger Dash Installation Manual
Reading/Syncing of the Configuration File
Open the DataLink software and select File from the main menu area
Select Open Car Configuration from the pull down menu.
A Select Configuration dialog window will open. A list of folders containing Configuration
files will appear on the left side, while the actual Configuration files appear on the right
side. Select IQ3 in the left window and select IQ3_Street_Config in the right window.
Click Edit on the menu bar and select Read V-NET Config.
A dialog box (shown right) will appear asking if you wish to make
this configuration the default configuration file. If this is the only
Racepak system you will be programming, select the top option to
make it the default. If using this PC to program more than one
Racepak system, select the second box.
The first time you read the V-Net configuration,
you will likely get the warning shown to the
right. Click on the button that says “YES to All”
to allow the process to continue.
A message log will appear and should begin reading your system configuration.
When finished the message log should display DEVICES READ SUCCESSFULLY!
Click on the OK button. You should now see a new channel button for each sensor.
Right click on any of the channel boxes to
modify/change their parameters.
Once any change is made, you must select Send
Configuration to send change to the dash.