IQ3 Street Logger Dash Installation Manual
OBDII and EFI Interface:
The IQ3 Street Logger has a CAN interface module built directly into the circuitry from the factory.
This interface is used to convert the CAN bus data stream found in most new vehicles, as well as
some popular aftermarket ECUs into CAN bus data that is compatible the IQ3. The IQ3 Street
Logger can then display and record this data from the ECU’s sensory array.
Available IQ3 Street Dash ECU settings, selectable Pre-Programmed CAN protocols:
IQ3s Supported ECU
IQ3s Supported ECU
AEM V2/EMS-4/Infinity EMS
Holley Dominator
Electromotive TECGT
Fuel Tech (200,250,300,350,500)
MoTeC CAN (Data set 3)
Link G4+ Series
MegaSquirt-III (DIY Autotune)
MSD Atomic LS
Micro Tech
MSD Atomic TBI
Big Stuff 3
Generic CAN
Wire Connection:
There are two (2) wires found in the rear main connector used for the OBD II and EFI interface
A two (2) pin Deutsch connector is connected to the following wires:
Main connector Pin 17 = Yellow = Can High
Main connector Pin 26 = Green = Can Low
Adapter harnesses available
Although the consumer can terminate the mating Deutsch connector and connect to their ECU,
adapter harnesses are available to ease installation. Mating connector is not supplied with dash,
but is supplied with below adapter harnesses.
280-CA-EFICAN - Two bare wires for direct CAN interface
280-CA-EFIHOL - Holley Adaptor - includes Holley mating connector
280-CA-EFIFUEL- Fuel Tech Adaptor - includes Fuel Tech mating connector
280-CA-EFILINK- Link Adaptor - includes Link mating connector
280-CA-EFIATBI - Atomic TBI Adaptor - includes Atomic TBI mating connector
280-CA-EFIBS3 - Big Stuff 3 Adaptor - includes Big Stuff 3 mating connector
280-CA-EFIMEFI -MEFI 4B Adaptor - includes MEFI 4B mating connector
280-CA-EFIOBDII - OBDII Adaptor - includes OBDII mating connector
See included chart for list of available channels from each ECU. List may vary slightly as
interfaces are sometimes being updated with information from ECU manufacturer.
Once connections are made, the dash will have to be synced and programmed for the selected
ECU. See
Programming the Display Using the DataLink Software
sections for instructions on