3156B User Manual
Using the Instrument 3-12
Racal Instrument © 2005
4. In the Parameters group, point and click on the Amplitude text,
the LED next to it will change its color and show a dark mark at
its center, depicting an illuminating LED and designating that
the amplitude parameter has been selected. The value that is
associated with the lit LED is displayed on the digital display.
Use the dial, keyboard, or the [
] [
} keys to adjust the readout
to the required setting. After you modify the reading, press
Execute to update the 3156B with the new reading. You can
modify the offset is a similar way.
Normal color of the digital reading is dark blue. If you
modify the reading, the color changes to a lighter shade of
blue, indicating that the 3156B has not been updated yet
with the new parameter. Pressing Execute will update the
instrument and will restore the color of the digital readout
to dark blue, indicating that the displayed value is the
same as the generator setting.
Also note that the digital readout has an autodetect
mechanism for the high and low limits. You cannot exceed
the limits if you are using the dial but only if you use the
keypad. In case you do, the program will not let you
download an illegal parameter and you’ll be requested to
correct your setting.
5. Till now you programmed channel 1 only. You can proceed to
program the second channel if you point and click on the
Channel 2 button in the Program group. When this button is
depressed, anything that you program on the MAIN panel will
be programmed to the second channel. Note however, that is
you selected the Output Enable ON button, you do not have to
do it again for the second channel because the enable
command works automatically for both channels.
If you are not using WaveCAD, you can execute the same sequence
using the following function calls:
Initializes the session at the specified
address and assigns a handle to the
Restores factory defaults after power up.
Complete listing of the 3156B defaults is
given in Table 5-1
ri3156Bset_output (1)
Activate hardware connection to the
front panel
ri3156Bset_enable (1)
Output is enabled. This is a software