3156B User Manual
Racal Instrument © 2005
Programming Reference 5-31
This function allows the user to globally select the 3156B operating mode for both channels, as well as, run
mode and the operation enable source: Setting up correctly the global operating parameters of the 3156B is
critical to avoid setting conflicts between channels and their respective operating and run modes and the source
of the operation enable signal. Chapter 3 lists possible setting conflicts for global settings in conjunction with the
various run modes.
The 3156B driver provides three function call options to program waveform mode for the 3156B:
1. The ri3156b_set_global_operating_mode - has five variables: Channel 1 waveform, Channel 2 waveform,
Carrier Run Mode and Operate Enable Source. This function call is the best to use if channels need to be
programmed with different functionality
2. The ri3156b_set_common_waveform_mode - has only one variable that sets both channels simultaneously
to the same waveform mode. This function call would be the best to use if channels need to be
programmed with the same functionality.
3. The ri3156b_set_waveform_mode - allows separate programming of each channel to a different waveform
mode. From all functions, this is the least recommended function to be used as it may cause setting conflict
errors should one not fully understand the limitation of the product. For example, the default waveform
mode is Standard. If you use this function call to change the waveform mode to arbitrary, the 3156B will
immediately generate an error because it has only one sample clock source while Standard and Arbitrary
waveforms use two different sample clock settings and therefore, this call will generate an error. The Set
Active Channel command is required to program each channel separately.
C Syntax
ViStatus ri3156b_set_waveform_mode (ViSession instrHandle,
ViInt16 channelWaveformMode)
ViStatus ri3156b_query_waveform_mode (ViSession instrHandle,
ViInt16 * channelWaveformMode)
The Instrument Handle is used to identify the unique
session or communication channel between the driver
and the instrument. If more than one instrument of the
model type is used, this will be used to differentiate
between them. Note that the initialize function may be
used to associate multiple instrument handles with a
single instrument.
Programs the waveform mode for each channel
separately. The Set Active Channel command should
used to selectively program each channel. Channel
dependency: independent
Valid Range: 0-5
0 STD - Use this standard mode to generate one
waveform from a list of built in waveforms, such as
Sine, Square, Triangle, Half Cycle, etc.
ARB - Use this arbitrary mode to generate an
arbitrary waveform. Arbitrary waveform(s) must