3156B User Manual
Programming Reference 5-34
Racal Instrument © 2005
Return Values
Displays the return status of the function call. If the function was successful, it will return a status of
VI_SUCCESS, otherwise it will return an error code. Passing the error code into the function
"ri3156B_error_message()" will return a string describing the error.
This function allows the user to tu
n on the
modulation function and select a
modulation mode
Dependency: Independent
C Syntax
ViStatus ri3156b_set_modulation_mode (ViSession instrHandle,
ViInt16 modulationMode)
ViStatus ri3156b_query_modulation_mode (ViSession instrHandle,
ViInt16 * modulationMode)
The Instrument Handle is used to identify the unique
session or communication channel between the driver
and the instrument. If more than one instrument of the
model type is used, this will be used to differentiate
between them. Note that the initialize function may be
used to associate multiple instrument handles with a
single instrument.
Selects one of the modulation modes: OFF, FM,
FSK, SWEEP and HOP. It is recommended that
modulation parameters be pre-programmed before
required modulation mode is turned on.
Note the following behavior of the 3156B:
1. Set Output ON, Set Enable ON and selection of one
of the modulation modes must be used before a
modulation function becomes available at the output
connector. The Set Enable ON is not required if run
mode other than continuous is selected.
2. All modulation functions share modulation run mode
setting such as continuous, trigger, gated and burst.
However, if one channel is set to modulation, the
other channel automatically reverts to continuous AC
3. Using the global operating Mode function, it is
possible to have both channels set to one of the
modulation modes. In this case, the modulation mode
must be the same for both channels and the outputs
will have 90 degrees phase shift.
4. Modulation run mode and Global Operating Mode do
not share the same values.