3156B User Manual
Racal Instrument © 2005
Programming Reference 5-21
This panel is used for enabling or disabling output waveforms. Set Output ON is required to have the signal
connected to the output connector. Channel Dependency: Common
C Syntax
ViStatus ri3156b_set_enable (ViSession instrHandle, ViBoolean outputSwitch)
ViStatus ri3156b_query_enable (ViSession instrHandle, ViBoolean * outputSwitch)
The Instrument Handle is used to identify the unique
session or communication channel between the driver
and the instrument. If more than one instrument of the
model type is used, this will be used to differentiate
between them. Note that the initialize function may be
used to associate multiple instrument handles with a
single instrument.
ViBoolean Enables the output to generate signals in continuous run
mode. Note that Set Output ON/OFF function must be
used to connect the output connector to the output circuit
path before the Set Enable function will affect the signal.
The Set Enable function is not used for the 3156B
interrupted modes (Trigger, Gated, and Burst). The Set
Enable is global thus activating both channels
simultaneously. In all continuous operating modes, the
enable ON acts like a software gate-open signal and the
enable OFF like a gate-close signal.
Valid Range: 0, 1 (Off, On)
Default Value: 0
Return Values
Displays the return status of the function call. If the function was successful, it will return a status of
VI_SUCCESS, otherwise it will return an error code. Passing the error code into the function
"ri3156B_error_message()" will return a string describing the error.