3156B User Manual
Getting Started 1-20
Racal Instrument © 2005
Figure 1-11 WaveCAD Example - Arbitrary FM Composer Panel
Modulation Run
Modulation can be generated by the 3156B using the same run modes
as for standard, arbitrary and sequenced waveforms except when in
modulation function, where run mode options take different meaning.
Modulation can be programmed to use one of the following:
continuous, triggered, mixed triggers, burst, delayed trigger and re-
As a two-channel instrument, each channel can be programmed to
generate different function. The following rules must be observed:
1. Both channels can be programmed to output the same modulation
function, using the same modulation run mode.
2. When one channel is generating continuous modulation, the other
channel can be programmed to output a non-modulated,
continuous AC signal such as standard or arbitrary waveform.
3. When one channel is modulated and the other not, they must
share the same run mode. For example, if channel 1 generates
triggered AM, channel 2 can be set to output triggered pulse.
Trigger parameters such as trigger source, trigger level and slope
are common to both modulated and non-modulated functions.
Description of the various modulation run modes is given below.