3156B User Manual
Racal Instrument © 2005
Programming Reference 5-37
Valid Range: 0-1
0 freerun digital patterns are generated following a
ri3156B_set_enable (1) call. Hold count is
programmable for each pattern step
1 stimulus digital patterns are generated following a
ri3156B_set_enable (1) call. Hold count is fixed for
each pattern step
Default Value: 0
Return Values
Displays the return status of the function call. If the function was successful, it will return a status of
VI_SUCCESS, otherwise it will return an error code. Passing the error code into the function
"ri3156B_error_message()" will return a string describing the error.
This function selects the reference oscillator source for the sample clock synthesizer circuit. Channel
Dependency: common.
C Syntax
ViStatus ri3156b_set_reference_oscillator (ViSession instrHandle, ViInt16 referenceOscillator)
ViStatus ri3156b_query_reference_oscillator (ViSession instrHandle, ViInt16 * referenceOscillator)
The Instrument Handle is used to identify the unique
session or communication channel between the driver
and the instrument. If more than one instrument of the
model type is used, this will be used to differentiate
between them. Note that the initialize function may be
used to associate multiple instrument handles with a
single instrument.
Sets the reference oscillator to either Internal or External.
The internal reference could be either CLK10 (back-plane
10 MHz, 100ppm source) or optional TCXO. The TCXO
(temperature compensated crystal oscillator) has better
stability than the back plane source however, it has to be
bought separately and installed by the factory before
shipment. If this option is installed, the CLK10 source is
not available anymore. In cases where better reference
source is needed, system clock can be applied to a front-
panel connector and the reference source set to external.
Valid Range: 0-1
0 select CLK10 or TCXO
1 selects
Default Value: 0