UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA UGxx AT Commands Manual
WCDMA_UGxx_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 104 / 247
7.20. AT+QECCNUM Configure Emergency Call Numbers
AT+QECCNUM can be used to query, add, delete and replace ECC numbers (emergency call numbers).
There are two kinds of ECC numbers, always valid ECC numbers and ECC numbers valid only without
SIM. The default always valid ECC numbers are 911 and 112. The default ECC numbers without SIM are
00, 08, 110, 999, 118 and 119. The always valid ECC number 911 and 112 cannot be deleted. ECC
numbers can be saved into NV automatically. If the SIM card contains ECC File, the numbers in ECC File
can also be regarded as ECC numbers.
The maximal supported ECC numbers of each type is 20.
Release cause, 3GPP TS 24.008 release cause to be indicated to the network.
1 Release cause "unassigned (unallocated) number"
16 Release cause "normal call clearing"
17 Release cause "user busy"
18 Release cause "no user responding"
21 Release cause "call rejected"
27 Release cause "destination out of order"
31 Release cause "normal, unspecified"
88 Release cause "incompatible destination"
Call identification number is an optional index in the list of current calls indicated by
will terminate the call identified by the given call number. The default
call number 0 is not assigned to any call, but signifies all calls.
0 Terminate all known calls. However, if circuit switches data calls and
voice calls at the same time, this command only terminates the CSD
1…7 Terminate the specific call with identification number.
AT+QECCNUM Configure Emergency Call Numbers
Test Command
+QECCNUM: (0-3)
Write Command
is equal to 0, query the ECC numbers,
should be omitted, return:
+QECCNUM: <type>,<eccnum1>,<eccnum2>[