UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA UGxx AT Commands Manual
WCDMA_UGxx_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 146 / 247
Table 4: Delay Class
10.4. AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum Acceptable)
AT+CGQMIN allows the TE to specify a minimum acceptable profile which is checked by the MT against
the negotiated profile when the PDP context is activated. The write command specifies a profile for the
context identified by the context identification parameter
A special form of the write command, AT+CGQMIN=
causes the minimum acceptable profile for
context number
to become undefined. In this case no check is made against the negotiated profile.
The read command returns the current settings for each defined context. Details can be found in 3GPP
8 20 000 (~44 bit/s)
9 50 000 (~111 bit/s)
10 100 000 (~0.22 kbit/s)
11 200 000 (~0.44 kbit/s)
12 500 000 (~1.11 kbit/s)
13 1000 000 (~2.2 kbit/s)
14 2 000 000 (~4.4 kbit/s)
15 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s)
16 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s)
17 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s)
18 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s)
31 Best effort
SDU Size
Delay Class
Mean Transfer Delay
95 Percentile
128 Octets
1 (Predictive)
2 (Predictive)
3 (Predictive)
4 (Best Effort)
1024 Octets
1 (Predictive)
2 (Predictive)
3 (Predictive)
4 (Best Effort)