Scalar i6000 Installation Guide Super Doc
Slots vs. Holes
The racks come with both slots in tabs (for bottom and middle rack installation) and fitted, threaded holes
(for top rack installation). The top gear racks use the threaded holes for installation, while the bottom and
middle gear racks use the slots in the tabs.
Before you begin, gather the appropriate gear racks and separate them into three piles, for installation
on the bottom, middle and top rack supports. Each pile should contain:
Full rack, standard (no cutouts), enough to complete the row
One full rack, load position (with cutouts)
Install the
bottom and middle racks
. The bottom and middle racks are installed in the same manner,
as follows:
a. The Half Rack, Load Position gear racks are already installed in the left parking module.
b. Lay down the Standard Full Racks, from left to right. The ends of the racks snap together in a
tongue-and-groove configuration. Snap each one into the previous one as you go, making sure
all the gear racks lie flat.
It is recommended that you position all the racks on the rack supports
before screwing any of them down.
Top gear racks
use threaded
holes for installation
Bottom and middle gear racks
use slots
in tabs for installation.