Quadro4Li Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Administrator’s Menus
Quadro4Li; (SW Version 5.2.x)
This page lists all features, that may be activated by a software key, characterized by a
and provided with its
No Key Found
- the feature is currently not available
Reboot Needed
- the feature key has been entered and Quadro needs to be rebooted
- the feature is now available on the Quadro
Free trail
– the feature is activated for evaluation. The evaluation period is 30 day.
Following features may be activated via the software key:
– enables Telnet connection towards the Quadro
for debugging purposes.
3pcc Support
- enables Third Party Call Control feature on
the Quadro. The feature allows the call controlling
applications running on a user PC to remotely initiate and
handle calls on the Quadro and to subscribe for certain
event notifications from the Quadro.
IP Phone support
- enables additional LAN-sided IP
phones support on the Quadro. This feature key allows you
to activate a package of 8 IP lines support.
QCM Support
– allows Quadro’s extensions to be used by
Quadro Communication Manager after QCM trial period
expires. Depending on the feature key type, additional 4 or
10 QCM licenses can be activated on the Quadro.
To enter a
Feature Key
. A page with the
Feature Key
text field
is opened. Enter the key and press
. The status of
the selected feature entry will change to
Reboot needed
. Reboot
the Quadro and the feature will receive the status
To receive a
Feature Key
, register the Quadro device and send a
corresponding request to Epygi's Technical Support. This request
must include the
Unique ID
that is displayed in the
above the features list.
Fig. II-57: Features page
Fig. II-58: Features Add page
Upload Language Pack
Upload Language Pack
page allows you to upload a custom language for GUI and Voice Messages of the Quadro. The language of voice
messages can be switched to the custom Language Pack language from the GUI setting page in the
. The language of
GUI session can be changed to the custom Language Pack language from the radio buttons on the login page. Uploading a language pack will also
change the language of some supported IP phones (Aastra, snom v.6.x, Grandstream GXP2000 ). After a custom Language Pack is uploaded onto
the system, reboot the IP phone to load a matching language onto the phone.
Uploading a Language Pack will cause the loss of the following data:
All voice mails and custom voice messages
Call statistics
Pending events
Transfer statistics
Please Note:
Only one custom Language Pack can be uploaded
at the time. Uploading a Language Pack will remove the existing
one (if applicable) and will reboot the Quadro.
Current Language Pack
field displays read-only information
about the custom language pack uploaded. When no custom
language pack is uploaded, the field indicates “unknown”.
Below, there is a
Language Pack File to Upload
text field that
displays the selected image filename. The
button is used
to browse the custom language pack to be uploaded.
Fig. II-59: Upload Language Pack page
Remove Current Language Pack
link is only seen when a custom language pack is uploaded and is also used to remove it from the system.
will start uploading the custom language pack to the board.