MVI56-PDPMV1 ♦ ControlLogix Platform
Configuring the MVI56-PDPMV1 Module
User Manual
Page 79 of 251
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Configuring the MVI56-PDPMV1 Module
In This Chapter
Setting Up the Project ........................................................................... 80
Setting Module Parameters ................................................................... 81
Configuring the PROFIBUS Master ....................................................... 83
Downloading the Project to the Module ............................................... 107
Verifying Correct Operation ................................................................. 119
Because the task of configuring the PROFIBUS network can be challenging,
ProSoft Technology has provided a configuration tool called ProSoft
Configuration Builder (PCB) that will help you with the following tasks:
Setting Up the Project (page 80)
Setting Module Parameters (page 81)
Configuring the PROFIBUS Master (page 83) (Master and slaves)
Downloading the Project to the Module (page 107)
The following topics of this chapter explain each task step-by-step.