MVI56-PDPMV1 ♦ ControlLogix Platform
User Manual
Page 213 of 251
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
5.3.3 System Requirements
Confirm that your system meets the following hardware and software
requirements before you start the installation.
Hardware Requirements (Recommended)
Pentium 4 Processor rated for at least 2 GHz
450 MB hard drive space for DTM Libraries
Video card capable of 1024 X 768 resolution at 64k colors
Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC)
MVI56-PDPMV1 RS232 serial, or with CIPconnect and 1756-ENBT module
for Ethernet support
Note for MVI series and PTQ users:
The Ethernet connection implements a version of UDP
protocol that dynamically allocates a random UDP port for every connection. This implementation
limits the possibility of using most serial-to-Ethernet converters to access the MVI series PDPMV1
serial port, since many Ethernet-to-serial converters require the configuration of a fixed UDP port,
which is not available for the current implementation.
Note for MVI56-PDPMV1 users:
The Ethernet connection uses CIPconnect to communicate with
the MVI56-PDPMV1 (firmware version 1.28.000 is CIPconnect enabled and is required for 1756-
ENBT support). The 1756-ENBT card must be located in the same rack as the MVI56-PDPMV1.
Bridging through multiple racks is not supported by the comDTM software.
This functionality requires comDTM version with install version 1.01.0003. For
information on how to check the comDTM version and install version, refer to Verifying the
comDTM Version and comDTM Install Version (page 224).
Software Requirements (Minimum)
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6A, Windows 2000 SP3 or Windows XP
Professional SP2, or better
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0, or better
FDT 1.2.1 compliant FDT frame application. Compatible applications include:
Some FDT Containers require the following components:
Microsoft Management Console
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0, or better