Ready to build your own gate? See the
Advanced Features and Customization Tools
section for
advanced Noise Gate controls.
5.1.3 Compressor (Comp)
Audio signals have very wide peak-to-average signal-level ratios (sometimes referred to as dynamic
range) which is the difference between the loudest level and the softest level. This can create problems
when you’re setting input levels because when enough gain (or volume) is applied to capture the softest
level at its best, one cough, laugh, or excited moment can overload the input, resulting in distortion… and
not the cool kind.
A compressor works by limiting the dynamic range of an audio source to make it sound more consistent
and even. By setting the maximum level, the compressor makes sure that any audio signal that exceeds
that volume is reduced to match it.
Choose between Low, Moderate, High, and De-Ess. Low will provide the least amount of compression,
High will provide the most.
Use the De-Ess setting if you notice a lot of “sibilance” in your speech. Sibilance is the pronounced
5.1.3 Compressor (Comp)