iNS/iDS 2-Wire System Manual
Rev. D - 1/20/2021
Page 19 of 107
colors are a stripe on a white background. These wires typically connect to phases 2, 4, 6, and 8 respectively, but each
may be assigned to any phase during configuration, so the connections can be to any phase as desired. This cable
connects to the connector on the iCCU-
S2 labeled “C/To Ped Inputs”.
When using SDLC, it is necessary to share a common logic/signal ground with the Traffic Controller and other
devices on the SDLC bus. Therefore, CABLE-C has an additional white wire, which should be connected to the
cabinet’s logic/signal ground. Note, this is different from Earth or chassis ground. Please refer to your cabinet’s
wiring diagram to find the appropriate logic/signal ground connection point.
* Failure to establish this ground connection can result in damage to the iCCU-S2, the Traffic Controller, or other
hardware on the SDLC bus. *
3. Hard-Wired Mode
(Diagram Section
Note: The iCCU-S2 is not compatible with the 50-Pin D-Sub cable used by prior CCU models.
The iCCU-
S2 can be directly wired to the cabinet’s ped load switch outputs to obtain ped interval information, and it can
be wired to the cabinet’s ped inputs to place ped calls. This mode is the most versatile because it can work in any type of
is used to provide the iCCU-S2 with the status of the pedestrian Walk/DW signals. Each Walk/DW pair is
identified as A, B, C, or D. These wires connect to traffic signal cabinet terminals in parallel with wires that power the
pedestrian signals, that is, ped load switch outputs. The inputs are nominally 120 VAC. Therefore, caution should be
taken during installation to avoid electric shock. There is a single white wire for connection to AC neutral. During
configuration, each pair must be assigned to a pedestrian phase. This would typically be A/2, B/4, C/6, and D/8, however
this is not restricted in any way. Installation varies with cabinets and configurations.
is required to place calls to the cabinet’s ped inputs. It provides four separate contact closures for four
pedestrian phases. They are identified as A (brown), B (red), C (orange), and D (yellow). Common is black. The wire
colors are a stripe on a white background. These wires typically connect to phases 2, 4, 6, and 8 respectively, but each
may be assigned to any phase during configuration, so the connections can be to any phase as desired. This cable
connects to the connector on the iCCU-
S2 labeled “C/To Ped Inputs”.
Preemption and General Purpose Inputs (Diagram Section 3.2.4)
Regardless of the configuration choice chosen above, the iCCU-S2 can also work with preemption devices, and also
supports general purpose inputs for alternate configuration changes.
can be used to connect when a special function such as an emergency vehicle message is desired. There are
four emergency vehicle inputs with a Com connection. The EV Com wire must connect to the cabinet Logic Ground*. The
connections for EV1 through EV4 connect to the EV inputs of the traffic signal. The red wire in Cable B must connect to
the c24VDC.
*Note, if using one of the two configurations that utilize SDLC, as described previously, you will have already
wired one connection to the cabinet’s logic/signal ground. It will still be necessary to connect the EV Com wire to
the same logic/signal ground in the cabinet.
is only used when additional special function is desired. There are three general purpose inputs with a common
connection. The inputs GP1, GP2, and GP3 are made active by the application of voltage in the range of 6 to 30 volts, AC
or DC.
iCCU-C2 Central Control Unit Installation Procedure
The iCCU-C2 is designed to be inserted into a standard Input File slot, replacing two Type 242 Ped Isolators. It is normally
located in slots I-12 and I-13 with the card edge plugged into I-13. It operates on 24VDC from the cabinet power supply,
via card edge pins A and B.