[View] Menu
Full Screen
Displays the rekordbox window at full-screen size.
2DECK Horizontal
Displays 2 decks with horizontal enlarged waveforms.
2DECK Vertical
Displays 2 decks with vertical enlarged waveforms.
4DECK Horizontal
Displays 4 decks with horizontal enlarged waveforms.
4DECK Vertical
Displays 4 decks with vertical enlarged waveforms.
Minimizes deck display to enlarge browse window.
Show/Hide Pad and
Selects to show/hide Pad and Platter on the screen.
Show Split Screen
Displays another window for browser panel.
My Tag
Displays My Tag configuration window to the right side of the track list.
Related Track List
Displays list of related tracks of a selected music file in an additional
window to the right side of the track list.
Information Window
Displays information on a selected music file to the right side of the
track list.
Sub Browser
Opens another window to display tree view and track lists.
[Track] menu
Analyze Track
Analyzes a selected track to show full waveform, enlarged waveform, BPM,
beat positions, and bar positions.
Analyze Key
Detects the key of a selected track.
Analysis Lock
Sets On/Off for re-analysis and detection of the key of a selected track.
Auto Analysis
Sets On/Off for auto analysis for imported tracks.
Reload Tag
Reads the ID3 tag information from a selected track again and reloads it to
the track information of rekordbox library (database such as Collections,
Playlists, etc.)
Add To Playlist
Adds a selected track to a playlist.
Import To
Analyzes and adds a selected track to the Collection.
Export Track
Exports a selected track to a device.