Click the lock icon
Analysis lock is activated and the icon changes from
To cancel the analysis lock, click
How to set/reset analysis lock from track list
Right-click a track on the track list and click [Analysis lock] > [On] in the drop-
down menu.
When analysis is locked,
is displayed in the status column.
To cancel the lock, right-click the track and click [Analysis lock] > [Off] in the
drop-down menu.
You can record your DJ performance in the PERFORMANCE mode.
The recorded file will be created in a .wav file.
To Display/hide REC panel
The button to start/stop recording is on the REC panel.
Click the REC button in the global section on the top of the screen to display/hide
REC panel.
To select recording source
In rekordbox, various recording sources exist such as output from each deck, virtual DJ mixer
output in software. You can select a recording source from drop-down menu.
Click drop-down menu.
Eligible recording sources are shown.