ISDN Configuration Concept
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide
35 • ISDN port configuration
Configuration example
Let’s have a look at the configuration of a BRI port, running the network side of the DSS1 protocol. To this
ISDN port a phone can be attached.
1. port bri 0 1
2. clock auto
3. encapsulation q921
4. q921
5. protocol pmp
6. uni-side auto
7. encapsulation q931
8. q931
9. protocol dss1
10. uni-side net
11. encapsulation cc-isdn
12. bind interface isdn01 switch
13. port bri 0 1
14. no shutdown
1. Enter configuration mode for port bri 0/1.
2. Clock mode is automatically determined by layer 2 UNI-side settings.
3. Use ‘q921’ as layer 2 protocol.
4. Enter Q921 mode.
5. BRI uses point-to-multipoint topology.
6. Layer 2 user/network setting is automatically determined by layer 3 UNI-side settings.
7. Use ‘q931’ as layer 3 protocol.
8. Enter Q931 mode.
9. Layer 3 uses DSS1 signalling protocol.
10. Running network side part of signalling protocol.
11. Port 0/1 shall be bound to the call control.
12. The call-control interface to use is ‘isdn01’.
13. Enter configuration mode for port bri 0/1.
14. Enable port.