Configuring dial tones
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide
26 • CS context overview
Basic interface routing allows you to forward all incoming calls on a CS interface directly to a destination CS
interface. The call router allows you to route calls to all available CS interfaces, based on a call property such as
calling number, destination number and ISDN bearer capability and many more.
We recommend that you first carefully consider what interfaces and call router tables are required to achieve
your goals on a sheet of paper, then start creating and configuring CS interfaces, and setting up call router
To configure basic interface routing refer to chapter 27,
“CS interface configuration”
on page 322. Other top-
ics that belong to call routing are also explained in this chapter.
To configure advanced call routing in relation to the call router tables refer to chapter 33,
“Call router configu-
on page 381. In this chapter, the differences between basic interface routing and advanced call routing
are described in more detail.
Configuring dial tones
SmartWare supports country-specific, configurable, in-band dial tones that are generated for specific events,
For example, alerting, and dialing or busy signals. The tones are configured in tone-set profiles that are used
from a specific CS interface.
If no tone-set profile is specified, a default tone-set profile is used. In most cases, the default profile can be used,
so you do not need to perform this configuration task.
Configuring voice over IP parameters
In SmartWare, there are many configurable parameters that can affect a voice over IP connection.
The voice over IP (VoIP) parameters are configured in the VoIP profile. A VoIP profile is used by a H.323 or
SIP interface. All calls going through that interface (see
figure 43
on page 306) use the settings in the VoIP pro-
file. The following parameters are configured in the VoIP profile:
Fax transmission
DTMF relay
Echo canceller
Silence compression
Voice volume
Dejitter buffer
Refer to chapter 40,
“VoIP profile configuration”
on page 506 to configure general VoIP parameters. Some set-
tings can adversely affect the voice quality perceived by the user and the bandwidth requirements of VoIP con-
nections, so be sure you understand the meaning of the commands before changing any settings. Most of the
default values of these parameters are adequate, so that you generally do not need to perform these configura-
tion tasks.
If no VoIP profile is specified to be used on an interface, a default VoIP profile is used. In most cases, the
default profile can be used, so you just need to change the default VoIP profile.