Settings of the sequential display of images from cameras [Sequence Setup]
Perform the settings for the sequential display of live images.
Screenshot 1
Click the [Camera] button in the setup menu (Advanced)
and then click "Sequence Setup" to display the
"Sequence Setup" window.
Step 1
Perform the settings for each item.
Refer to the following for further information about the
settings for each item.
Step 2
Click the [SET] button after completing the settings.
Settings of the title of the camera group [Group Setup]
Set the title of the camera group.
Screenshot 1
Click the [Camera] button in the setup menu (Advanced)
and then click "Group Setup" to display the "Group
Setup" window.
Step 1
Displays the group title of the camera. Enter up to 16
alphanumeric characters except the following: ! $ % ' <
= > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
The available characters are the same characters avail-
able for the camera title.
Step 2
Click the [SET] button after completing the settings.