Motor Business Unit, Appliances Company, Panasonic Corporation
Timing Chart
Timing Chart of Operations After Turning Power On
Control pow er
(L1C, L2 C)
Internal contr ol
pow er
App rox 1.5s *1
Micro comput er
operati on Reset
Ini tialization
Er ror
check start
Normal ope ration
Alarm outp ut
(ALM )
Output Tr OFF
Output T r ON
Main pow er
(L1,L2,L3 )
Servo rea dy
output(S-RDY )
Output Tr OFF
Output T r ON
Servo on inp ut
Input Couple OFF
In put Couple ON
Dynamic bra ke
Releas ed
Power to t he
mot or
No power
Power to the motor
Br ake release
ou tput(BRK-OFF)
Output Tr OFF
(brake applied)
Out put Tr ON
(brak e released)
Position/veloc it
y/torque comma nd
No command
Th ere is comm and
0s upwards
Approx 60ms
0s upwar ds
Approx 2ms
Approx 4ms
Approx 100ms
upwards *6
Approx 2s * 2
Approx 100ms upwards
Approx 10 0-300 ms
• The above chart shows the timing of actions from the time when the control power is turned on until a com-
mand is entered.
Enter the servo-on signal and the position/velocity/torque commands according to the above chart.
*1. When the internal control power has been established, the protective functions get activated approximately
1.5 s after the start of the micro computer initialization. To design your system, keep in mind that all the
input/output signals connected to the driver should be established before the protective functions start get-
ting activated; use special care for signals that can trigger the protective functions such as positive/negative
overtravel limits and external scale input. Also, this time can be extended using Pr6.18 “Power-up wait
*2. After microcomputer initializing,and no errer,the output of ALM is on.
S-RDY output is turned on only when the two conditions are met: initialization of the microcomputer has been
complete, and the main power has been established.
*4. As SRV-OFF,until initialize ending,dynamic brake action is according to Pr5.07”
Sequence at main power
OFF”,after main power establish,according to Pr5.06”SRV-OFF sequence”.
*5. After the output of SRV-READY is affirmed,please start the input of SRV-ON
*6. The signal of SRV-ON from on to the fact of position instruction,the waiting time please
set about 100ms at least.Because from SRV-ON to the fact of power to motor need to consume some time,It is
possibility the position command cann’t be accepted.