Gratin dishes, pies and soufflés
6 fresh lasagne sheets
45ml (3 tbsp) olive oil
1 small onion, finely
3 garlic cloves, sliced
25g pack fresh thyme,
finely chopped
225g chestnut or
brown cap mush-
rooms, roughly
100g button mush-
2 x 125g goat's cheese
350g tub cheese sauce
Put the lasagne sheets in a bowl with 1 litre of
boiling water, cover and cook on microwave
1000 watts 5 mins. Drain and keep covered in
cold water until ready to use.
In a bowl, put the olive oil and chopped onion,
cover with pierced cling film and cook on
microwave 1000 watts for 5 mins, add half the
garlic and cook for a further 2 mins.
Add the mushrooms and thyme to the onions
and cook, uncovered on microwave 1000 watts
for 5 mins. Season with salt and freshly ground
black pepper. Cool slightly.
Preheat the oven on convection 180°C with
enamel shelf in position.
Crumble one of the goat's cheese logs into the
cooled mushroom mixture and stir.
Drain the lasagne sheets on kitchen paper, spoon
2 - 3 tbsp of the mushroom mixture along the
edge of each lasagne sheet, leaving a 1cm border.
Roll up the pasta sheets and cut each one in
Put the pasta in a shallow oven proof dish and
spoon over the cheese sauce. Slice the remaining
goat's cheese into thick rounds and arrange
across the middle of the pasta rolls. Sprinkle the
reserved garlic on top.
Bake on the enamel shelf on convection 180°C
for 30-35 mins.
Mixed Mushroom Cannelloni
Cooking Time: 42-47 minutes