The following recipes for starters are merely suggestions to encourage your creativi-
ty. All kinds of soup are easy to make in your microwave. Remove the soup from the
oven and stir to ensure that the heat is evenly distributed. The soup can be prepared
the night before and then reheated before serving. A bowl of soup can be reheated,
depending on its temperature to start with, in 1-2 minutes on full power. Meat and
fish pâtés traditionally cooked in a bain-marie are quick and easy to prepare in the
microwave on low power.
4 chicken fillets
Salt, pepper
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tbsp mustard
1 bunch of chives,
finely chopped
4 tbsp vinegar
5 tbsp oil
Condiment powder
2 pickled gherkins
Dry the chicken fillets with paper towelling.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place them in a
dish, cover and poach on the "Fish" setting
(according to the weight). To prepare the
dressing, mix the onion, garlic, mustard, chives,
vinegar, oil and condiment powder. Dice the
gherkins and add to the dish. Cut the fillets
diagonally and arrange them on a dish. Pour over
the dressing. Serve warm as a starter or light
Chicken Suprême with vinaigrette
Cooking time: around 6 minutes
loaf French bread
4 anchovy fillets
30 g softened butter
a little parsley and
2 tomatoes
3 slices cheese
Salt, pepper
Cut the French bread diagonally into slices. Chop
the anchovies, mix with the butter and sprinkle
lightly with salt. Spread the slices of bread with
the anchovy butter.
Finely chop the herbs. Slice the tomatoes,
sprinkle with herbs on one side, sprinkle lightly
with salt and pepper. Place the tomatoes,
seasoned side down, on the slices of bread. Cover
with the slices of cheese and grill on Grill1 for 5-
8 minutes.
Cooking time: around 8 minutes