The battery charge is indicated by the
icon. The battery charge is shown
approximately by each segment of the icon, e.g. if 2
segments are shown the battery is ½ full. When the
battery is charging, the segments turn on in sequence.
When the battery is low, the charger should be plugged
in. While the unit will charge even while on and even with
the backlight on, it will charge fastest if the charger is left
in while the unit is off.
3.6.3. Analog Output
The instrument provides an analog voltage output via the
2.5mm mono jack socket on the rear panel marked “AN
OUT”. (See Figure 3.2). The Vega is supplied with the
mating adapter plug that connects to this socket. The
analog output is useful for driving chart recorders and
other analog devices. The voltage is proportional to the
reading on the display and scaled such that full scale
equals 1.00, 2.00, 5.00 or 10.00 volts as selected by the
user during setup. (See section 3.5.3). The analog output
is driven through an impedance of 100ohm. For best
accuracy, is recommended to limit the external load to
100K (or larger). A smaller load (down to 1K) is possible,
but may result in loss of accuracy.
Vega Rear Panel View
3.6.4. RS232 and USB Outputs
The Vega is equipped for either RS232 or USB
communications with PC. The Unit is supplied with two
cables, each with a 7 pin DIN plug on one end mating
with the Vega and either a USB or 9 pin D RS232
connector on the other side. When you wish to operate
the Vega with either RS232 or USB, the cable should be
Figure 3.2