Select the average period you want or select “NONE"
if you do not want to average. Save this as the startup
default if you want by pressing “Save” otherwise just
exit the screen.
Average setting only affects the Numeric display.
Graphic readouts are not affected.
Figure 4.2.
Thermopile Power Screen with average set to 3 seconds Normalize
When you wish to show the readings as compared to
some standard reading, the normalize function allows you
to do this. After setting “Normalize”, all subsequent
readings will appear as a ratio to the reference reading.
For instance, if you normalize the reading at a power of
1.5W, then subsequent readings will be with ratio to that,
i.e. if the power is then 2W, the reading (dimensionless)
on the screen will be 2/1.5 = 1.33. The screen will also
show in small digits the power at which the normalization
was done and the present power.
To use the Vega to normalize the power:
1. From the main power screen, select “Menu” and
enter. Select “Normalize” and enter.
When ready to normalize, press “Apply”. From then
on, the power will be proportional to the normalized
power value (See Figure 4.3).