wavelength range of the sensor in a similar fashion to the
PD300 sensors. Then the sensor is calibrated at one
wavelength using a 905nm repetitively pulsed laser
referenced to a NIST traceable photodiode meter. The
average energy is set to the average power of the
standard power meter divided by the laser frequency.
9.3.3. Accuracy of Calibration
Since the instruments are calibrated against NIST
standards, the accuracy is generally 3% at the energy
level and wavelength at which the calibration has been
performed. This accuracy has been verified by checking
the scatter of the results when several instruments are
calibrated against the same standard. The maximum
error in measurement will be less than the sum of the
specified accuracy, linearity and inaccuracy due to
errors in the wavelength curve.
The non-linearity is approximately 2%, and the error due
to wavelength is given in Table 3 above.
In addition to the above errors, the reading of
pyroelectric sensors changes with frequency. The
sensor has a built in correction for this error. For
frequencies above 50% of maximum frequency,
inaccuracies in this correction can increase the total
error by up to about 3%.
The maximum error in measurement will be less than the
sum of the above errors and in general will be
considerably less. The exact accuracy of each type of
sensor is specified in the latest edition of the Ophir
catalog. For more details on calibration accuracy, see the
and see the
specification sheet for the specific sensor you are using.
9.3.4. Recalibration from a Known Source of Laser