Power Tune Screen Average
When a laser output is fluctuating or unstable, it is useful
to measure the average power over a certain period. The
Vega gives you this exclusive feature, allowing averaging
over periods varying from 1 second to 1 hour.
The average mode works as follows:
As soon as the main power measurement screen (See
Figure 4.2) is entered and the instrument is set to average
mode, the instrument displays the average of readings
over the period since the screen was entered up to the
present. When the time period of the average is reached,
the average becomes a running average over the
average period backward in time. For instance, if the
average period is 1 minute, at 30 seconds, the average is
over 30 seconds, at 1 minute it is over 1 minute, at 5
minutes, it is over the period from 4 to 5 minutes (1 minute
back from the present).
To use the Vega to display average:
1. From the main power screen, select “Average” and
Figure 4.1