Figure 6.2.
Exposure Screen set to stop after summing 500 pulses
3. Press “Start”. The Vega will start summing laser
energy exposure. When you wish to stop measuring,
press "Stop" or wait for measurement to reach the
timeout or the pulses selected. The Vega will now
display the total energy emitted during that period,
the time elapsed and the number of pulses during the
period. If you wish to reset reading to zero before
another reading, press "Reset".
4. To return to the regular energy measurement screen,
press “Energy”.
Pressing "Reset" will terminate the exposure
measurement session.
6.4.3. Normalize
When you wish to show the readings as compared to
some standard reading, the normalize function allows you
to do this. After setting “Normalize”, all subsequent
readings will be shown as a ratio to the reference
reading. For instance, if you normalize the reading at an
energy of 1.5mJ, then subsequent readings will be with
ratio to that, i.e. if the energy at that point is 2mJ, the