1. Set the instrument to “Energy”.
2. Set to the proper energy range.
3. (For broadband type sensors only. See note 1). From
the main screen enter “Menu” and select
“Calibrate”. Enter and select “Adj:” Select “Specific:
this laser only” if you only want to change the
calibration of this wavelength or “Overall: all lasers”
if you want to change all wavelengths together
4. Apply the known laser power/energy.
5. Select “Factor” and enter the “Modify” screen.
Adjust the factor until the energy reading on the
screen equals the known energy. Press “Save” and
the energy calibration factor under “Updated” will
change accordingly. See Note 1.
Note 1:
For metallic and
PD10 & PD10-PJ type sensors, when
the calibration is changed at one laser wavelength,
the overall calibration of all other wavelengths
changes proportionately.
9.4 Error Messages
The Vega displays various error messages when
operated outside its normal range: If the color scheme
selected is full color, then the error messages will be
colored red.
Over range: When the power or energy being measured
exceeds the range of the measurement scale being used,
the “over” message is displayed, but the reading still
appears on the display. If the power or energy exceeds
the maximum by more than 10%, the reading on the
display is blanked.
Low Battery: When the battery is almost discharged, the
Battery icon will have only 1 segment left. This means the
battery is ¾ empty. At this stage, the Vega should be
connected to the charger. It will operate normally and
charge slowly while connected to the charger.