Chapter 5. Operation with Photodiode Type Sensors
5.1 Photodiode Sensors ................................................... 59
Setting up the PD300 to display the user's
chosen wavelengths .................................................... 60
5.3 Startup Defaults .......................................................... 61
5.4 Selecting Settings from the Vega Screen ............... 62
Chapter 6. Operation with Pyroelectric Sensors
. 68
6.1 Pyroelectric & Photodiode Energy Sensors ........... 68
6.2 Selecting Settings from the Vega Screen ............... 69
6.3 Startup and Configuration of Defaults .................... 73
6.4 Energy, Power or Exposure Measurement ............. 75
6.5 Measuring Repeating Pulses of High Energy ......... 81
6.6 Energy Log ................................................................... 81
6.7 Pyro Scope Adapter ................................................... 83
6.8 PE-DIF Diffuser Sensors ............................................ 84
Chapter 7. BeamTrack Features
....................... 85
7.1 Track Screen ............................................................... 85
7.2 Menu Screen............................................................... 86
7.3 Stability Screen .......................................................... 86
7.4 Statistics Screen ........................................................ 87
7.5 Optimizing Measurements ........................................ 87
Chapter 8. Circuit Description
.......................... 89