To set type of laser being used
With sensors with fixed wavelengths:
1. While the Vega is off, plug in the sensor then switch it
on again.
2. Press the navigation keys until "Laser" is highlighted.
Press the Enter key and select the appropriate laser
3. If you want to save this new wavelength as the
startup default, press "Save". To use this wavelength
for this session only, press the Enter key.
With continuous spectral curve:
While the Vega is off, plug in the sensor. Switch
on the Vega.
2. From the main measurement screen, press "Laser"
to select the correct laser wavelength. If you
want to save this new wavelength as the startup
default, press “Save” before exiting. If the
wavelength you want is not
among the
wavelengths in the six wavelengths listed and you
want to change or add a wavelength, see step 3.
3. Changing Chosen Wavelengths:
3.1. From the power measurement screen select
“Laser” and enter. Move to the wavelength you
wish to change or add. Press the right navigation
3.2. Using the up/down navigation keys to change
each number and the right/left navigation keys to
move to the next number, key in the desired
wavelength. Press the Enter key to exit. If you
wish to save this new wavelength as one of the 6
favorite wavelengths, press “Save”.
Note: Saving the new wavelength in the Modify screen
will not set this wavelength as the default startup
wavelength. To do so, you must follow the instructions in
Step 2 above.