5.4.3. Operation with Filter In or Out
The PD300 sensor is equipped with a built in filter so that
the photodiode can measure up to 30mW without
saturating the detector. In addition, the PD300 comes
with an additional removable filter for measuring up to
300mW. Other models of the PD300 series also have
built-in and removable filters. The exact maximum power
is reached when the reading reaches full scale or the
output current from the sensor reaches 1.3mA, whichever
comes first. See Table 2 for the exact maximum as a
function of wavelength.
Depending on what powers you wish to measure, choose
whether to work with the removable filter installed or not.
For this purpose, the Vega has a "filter" setting and uses
the proper correction curve depending on whether the
filter is installed or not.
If the PD300 is used in the "Filter IN" setting and the
filter is not installed or vice versa the readings will
be completely incorrect.
If the power of your laser exceeds the maximum for
filter in, you can purchase a thermal or integrating
sphere sensor for that wavelength. Consult your
Ophir agent for details.
To choose the filter setting:
1. From the main measurement screen press “Filter”.
2. If you wish to work with filter installed, press "Change"
until display says "Filter is IN". Be sure to place the
removable filter on the detector sensor.
3. If you wish to work with the filter out, press "Change"
until display says "Filter is OUT”. Be sure to remove
the filter from the detector sensor.
4. When finished, press “OK” to return to the
measurement screen.