3.5.1. Display Mode
The Vega can operate in the standard power/energy
measurement screen or needle type display or can
display the information in specialized forms: an
attenuation screen, a tune/exposure screen, a
power/energy density screen, a screen normalized to
some value or a screen with limits. Select “display
mode”, enter and set the screen to the type you want the
instrument to start up in and then exit by pressing the
enter button again. (For more details on the various
screen options, see section 4.6).
Figure 3.1.1
Needle Screen
RS232 Baud Rate
If you are using the Vega for RS232 communication with a
PC, the baud rate can be set by selecting "RS232 baud"
and selecting the appropriate rate then pressing enter
and save. Unless you need especially fast
communications, leave the default of 9600.
3.5.3. Analog Output
The Vega has a feature of adjustable analog output
where you can choose a full-scale output of 1, 2, 5 and 10
Volts full-scale output. To set the analog output voltage,
select “An. Output”, enter, select the voltage, enter again
and save.