Chapter 7.
BeamTrack Features
Some of our thermopile sensors are equipped with
circuitry enables them to measure the laser’s position as
well as the spot size in addition to standard power and
energy measurement.
This chapter describes the Vega’s position and size
measurement functionality. For a full description of
Thermopile functionality see
Chapter 4 Operation with
Thermopile Absorber Sensors
7.1 Track Screen
This screen shows the position of the laser beam as
measured by the sensor. If the beam is close enough to
the center and the sensor is capable of size
measurement, then the laser beam will be displayed as a
spot drawn to scale. Otherwise, the location will be
displayed as an X.
Figure 7.1
Main Track Screen
To get to this screen, press the “Track” softkey in the
Energy screen. This screen can also be set up as the
default startup mode in the Configuration Screen.