• Rotational Autotuning (n139
= 1)
Rotational autotuning is used only for open-vector control. Set n139 to
1, input the data from the nameplate, and then press the RUN key on the
Digital Operator. The Inverter will stop the motor for approximately
1 minute and then set the required motor constants automatically while
operating the motor for approximately 1 minute.
1. When performing rotational autotuning, be sure to sepa-
rate the motor from the machine and first confirm that it is
safe for the motor to rotate.
2. For a machine in which the motor itself cannot be rotated,
set the values from the motor test report.
3. If automatic rotation poses no problem, perform rotational
autotuning to ensure performance.
• Stationary Autotuning for Motor Line-to-neutral Resistance
Only (n139 = 2)
Autotuning can be used to prevent control errors when the motor cable
is long or the cable length has changed since installation or when the
motor and Inverter have different capacities.
Set n139 to 2 for open-loop vector control, and then press the RUN key
on the Digital Operator. The Inverter will supply power to the stationary
motor for approximately 20 seconds and the Motor Line-to-neutral
Resistance (n107) and cable resistance will be automatically measured.
1. Power will be supplied to the motor when stationary auto-
tuning for motor line-to-neutral resistance only is per-
formed even though the motor will not turn. Do not touch
the motor until autotuning has been completed.
2. When performing stationary autotuning for motor line-to-
neutral resistance only connected to a conveyor or other
machine, ensure that the holding brake is not activated
during autotuning.
Precautions before Using Autotuning
Read the following precautions before using autotuning.
• Autotuning the Inverter is fundamentally different from autotuning
the servo system. Inverter autotuning automatically adjusts parame-
ters according to detected motor constants, whereas servo system
autotuning adjusts parameters according to the detected size of the