6-7. System Commands
Commands about power supply control.
Command which occurs alarm sound once.
ex) syst:beep
Alarm Occurs
ex) syst beep
Alarm Occurs
Command which checks power supply error.
Error description will be save in fixed memory up to 10 messages. From 11th message,
Earliest message will be deleted.
User may find +0,”No error” Message.
Return Value - error number ,"message"
Return Value
error number , message
ex) syst:err?
return value -222,"Out of data"
1. For more information about error, please check "7. Error Messages".
2. All Error will be cleared by CLS Command.
Checks Power Supply version.
Return "YYYY.Ver"
YYYY - Indicates product year.
Ver - Indicates product version.
ex) syst:vers?
return value "2005.1"
OUTPut[:STATe] {OFF|ON|0|1}
Command which allows or shut-off output.
> ON or 1
Allows Output
> OFF or 0
Shut-off Output
ex1) outp on
Allows to print
ex2) outp off
Shut-off printing
Command which checks current power supply output condition.
Return Value " 0 "
Output Off condition
" 1 "
Output On condition
ex) outp?
return value "1"
Command which set-up P1,P2 setting same in 『Apply command』 & 『Output voltage current
setting & control command』
> ON OR 1
Tracking mode ON
> OFF OR 0
Tracking mode OFF
ex1) outp:trac on
Tracking on
ex2) outp:track off
Tracking off
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