3-3. Remote Voltage Sensing
Voltage Regulation will be caused when a load is connected with output terminal of power supp
Therefore, for accurate voltage, Remote Voltage Sensing (V-Sensing) could be used.
To use V-Sensing, please check below :
CV Regulation
About the factors of Specification Voltage Load Regulation, please check below.
While V-Sensing, users must add 5mV about +S point and + output terminal.
Load current change. Because sensing lead line is part of power supply feedback.
User will able to maintain output value when sensing lead line resist is 0.5Ω or less.
Output Rating
About specification's voltage and current output rating, please check below :
When using V-Sensing, sum of dropped voltage and actual supplied voltage will be
total output value from power supply.
Therefore if maximum voltage is higher than the limit V-Sensing function will not be
Therefore, if maximum voltage is higher than the limit, V-Sensing function will not be
guaranteed, and the power supply will turn into UnRegulated condition. Also, when a load le
is over than 1V, it will automatically turn into UnRegulated condition.
UnRegulated condition? It is condition caused when suppling voltage & current is more
than the limit.
Output Noise
Noise caused from power supply output may bring serious damage in voltage load regulatio
Therefore, please check below method.
Check diagram <3-1>.
▌Twist sensing lead line to reduce noise from external.
▌Connect sensing lead line straight with load lead line.
▌Cover sensing lead line when it is exposed to noise.
▌Connect GND with noise covering device in the shortest way.
▌Connect load lead line & sensing lead line to power supply in the shortest way.
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