6-4. Apply Commands
Command which controls output voltage and current at the same time using PC Remote Interfac
This command could control voltage and current at the same time.
> Voltage Input Voltage
> Voltage Input Voltage
> Current Input Current
ex1) APPL 30,2
Voltage 30V, Current 2A
ex2) APPL 5
Set-up only voltage 5V
Command which checks current setting voltage and current value.
Return Value "voltage,current"
ex) APPL?
return value "30.0000,2.5000"
6-5. Output Voltage Current Setting & Operate Commands
Commands which controls voltage and current using PC Remote Interface.
It controls output voltage setting.
Before using UP, DOWN command, use VOLTage:STEP command to set-up the range.
> Voltage Input voltage value
> UP
V l
> UP
Voltage setting increase as step value
Voltage setting decrease as step value
ex1) volt 10
Set-up voltage 10V
ex2) volt up
Voltage setting increase as step value
After Power ON or *RST Command, voltage step value will be Default.
After Power ON or RST Command, voltage step value will be Default.
Checks current power supply setting voltage.
Return Value "voltage"
ex) volt?
return value "30.0000"
VOLTage:STEP{<numeric value>}
Command which set-up Step value used in VOLT UP or VOLT DOWN.
> Numeric Value Input Step value in available voltage range.
ex) volt:step 0.5
Setting Step value 0.5V
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