• Load the key file
from the ALE International Business Partner web site (this file
can also be downloaded by the manufacturer)
• Downloading a new software key:
• Select
Typical Modification -> System -> Software key
• Click on
Importing the key
• On the
screen, select the file for the new software key
• Validate
• On the
Software Key
screen, click on
• Opening certain functions requires a hot reset; a message is displayed.
If the hardware required to carry out the functions that have been opened by the software key is not
present, the functions available are automatically reduced to suit the available hardware; and error
message is displayed when the key is implemented.
The values of the various functions controlled by the key can be viewed at any moment:
• Using OMC, select
Typical Modification -> System -> Software key
• Click on
: the first column indicates the functions defined by the key, the second column
indicates the functions actually open (after any reductions).
7.3 Cloud Connect Operation (CCO)
7.3.1 Cloud Connect Operation overview
Cloud Connect Operation (CCO) is designed to ease the deployment of the OXO Connect, by
simplifying the installation, allowing remote/centralized management in a full IP trunk environment and
offering fleet supervision services.
CCO is based on an XMPP global infrastructure (Cloud Connect Infrastructure). When CCO is enabled
for the first time, the OXO Connect registers to the FTR (First Time Registration) service and connects
to the Cloud Connect Infrastructure (CCI).
After connection to the CCI, a permanent link is maintained, allowing the OXO Connect to be reached
via a VPN connection (for configuration purpose with the OMC for instance) and “Get Files” feature.
This link allows the establishment of a VPN tunnel from the OXO Connect to a VPN gateway. This VPN
tunnel can be used for remote management with existing configuration tools (OMC, web-based tool
(WebDiag), AST, …).
Both XMPP permanent and on demand VPN connections are established by the OXO Connect.
Because these connections are outgoing from CPE LAN to the WAN, there is no need to modify basic
firewall rules.
The CCO solution is detailed in: 8AL91354ENAA Cloud Connect Operation Overview
For more information on CCO activation, see:
Enabling/Disabling CCO on the OXO Connect
on page
Configuring services
8AL91217USAA - Ed. 01 - July 2018 - Installation Manual