NAL Research Corporation (451-93156-009A)
A.8.131 ^KD – Key for Decryption (Encryption)
Exec Command: ^KD=<password>,<key>
Allow entering the 32 bytes for the AES decryption key. These bytes must be entered with
mandatory leading 0s, where each byte is represented by 2 hexadecimal uppercase characters
for a total of 64 digits. The password and key will not be reset by &F. The password and key will
not be echoed. This command must be entered twice before an update is made.
NOTE: The decryption key must match the encryption key at the base station or network
operation center (NOC).
NOTE: A decryption key of all 0s and a TBR (Time Between Reports) value of 64801 will cause
requested reports not to be sent out in tracking mode.
<password>: The Crypto Officer Password must be enclosed by two single quotes (‘ ‘). The
Crypto Officer Password must be changed from its factory-set value before this
command will work.
The key that must be enclosed by two single quotes (‘ ‘). This can only have
characters 0-9 or A-F and must be 64 bytes long. For example,
A.8.132 ^KE – Key for Encryption (Encryption)
Exec Command: ^KE=<password>,<key>
Allow entering the 32 bytes for the AES encryption key. These bytes must be entered with
mandatory leading 0s, where each byte is represented by 2 hexadecimal uppercase characters
for a total of 64 digits. The password and key will not be reset by &F. The password and key will
not be echoed. This command must be entered twice before an update is made.
NOTE: The Encryption key must match the Decryption key at the base station or NOC.
<password>: The Crypto Officer Password must be enclosed by two single quotes (‘ ‘). The
Crypto Officer Password must be changed from its factory-set value before this
command will work.
The key that must be enclosed by two single quotes (‘ ‘). This can only have
characters 0-9 or A-F and must be 64 bytes long. For example,
A.8.133 ^KZ – Key Zeroization (Encryption)
Exec Command: ^KZ=<password>
Reset or zeroize the encryption and the decryption keys and stop encryption until the keys are
re-entered with the AT^KD and AT^KE commands.
<password>: The Crypto Officer Password must be enclosed by two single quotes (‘ ‘). The
Crypto Officer Password must be changed from its factory-set value before this
command will work.
A.8.134 ^MODRSTn – Modem Reset Information Message Displayed